Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I think I am ready to make my prediction for Tenang and I think I have got this right after evaluating reports, strategies and actions of both the parties. The BN candidate is tainted with almost zero charisma and this is very bad news for BN as they are faced with a very charismatic and liked leader from PAS, yet the simple down to earth Cikgu Mala.

My prediction is Cikgu Mala Wins the Tenang By-election with a small majority of less than 500.

It is very close and this one was one that was for BN to loose. And they mismanaged it and couldn't put on a good show. Their mistakes or misadventures are as follows

1. Candidate: A lack-lustre candidate without personality who looks more like a relative of an UMNO warlord rather than a hard working man of the street working for the man on the street. To make things worse, he has a tainted past with demerits, what was UMNO thinking about when they selected him??

2. Disorganized: The is little coordination by the election director, he not only failed to give a direction to the election campaign but couldn't get the support from Putrajaya. Worse still the un-necessary announcements for Royal Commission with limited scope only to be reversed later and the Home Ministry's announcement about internet regulation under the printing presses act. Seems like it is still free for all in BN, not much has changed in this respect if compared to Badawi's regime.

3. The Porn Angle: It would have been better to keep Soi Lek on a low profile but he and his son went on a rampage with the Islamic angle forgetting that they live in terribly thin glass houses (Morality is a big? but they seem to take it very lightly) and assuming that the Muslim vote is theirs for keeps. This taken for granted attitude and uncoordinated attack on the simple Cikgu Mala may become the single largest factor for BN's loss in this election.

4. Finally, they couldn't resist the lure of free goodies to the electorate, some will bite the bait while others (the clever ones) will eat the bait and still not get hooked.

If BN loses this one, they have only themselves to blame and nobody else. Their only savior is the FELDA votes, hopefully for them at least that comes through!!!!

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